Saturday, July 21, 2012

A New Focus

My son just recently reached his 10-month birthday.  For 8 of these 10 months, I have been among the 70 percent of working mothers (I’ve researched this statistic.  It was found in report entitled Employment Characteristics of Family Summary published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics).  The concept of the working mother is a common reality in the United States; therefore, this blog is moot.
When I had originally created this blog, it was to help me sort through conflicting feelings I had as a working mother.  I have more than come to terms with my new lifestyle; I have embraced it.  The fact is, I have a great career and a loving family.  I am lucky.

I do feel a need to continue blogging, but with a new focus:  how does a busy working mother maintain a healthy lifestyle with limited time and a small budget?