My 5-Year Plan

When I decided to create a 5-year plan, I wanted it to be holistic.  After some light Googling, I found 8 attributes to well-being.  I decided to make a goal for each of the 8 attributes.

1.  Emotional/Mental health- Manage anxiety and stress through mindfulness and healthy coping strategies 
2.  Physical health- Practice optimal physical health by losing 30 lbs. and maintaining a healthy weight and keeping up with regular doctor's appointments to prevent serious health.
3.  Spiritual- Attend church services and events regularly and volunteer four times a year.
4.  Social- Every month I will check in with my 3 dear out-of-state friends as well as socialize with local friends once a month.
5.  Intellectual- read two books per month: one for pleasure and one for growth.
6.  Occupational- Get promoted by 2021 and immediately begin developing leadership skills.
7.  Environmental- Connect with nature through hiking and running outdoors as well as develop an ability to care for plants (I am really bad at the latter).  Develop a composting system and make an effort to make sustainable purchasing decisions.
8.  Financial- Build an emergency fund and get out of debt.  Save enough money to purchase a house (anticipating our family will grow out of our current house) and sell or rent our current house.

I also decided to add a 9th goal involving parenting:
9.  Parental- develop a healthier relationship with my children where I yell less.

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