It's funny what happens when your baby becomes a toddler. Life goes by way too quickly. You don't have time to stop for a breath. You certainly forget about the research blog you ambitiously took on. Well, maybe not you. But this certainly happened to me. So here's what's going on with life as a working mother.
Although I haven't blogged my progress, my husband and I have made some very healthy lifestyle changes. He works out 3-5 days a week. I must admit, I probably work out about 1 day a week. Does stair climbing with a toddler count? If so, I'm good! I have, however, completely made over our diets. We're not on a diet. We just do our best to make more nutritional choices to make every calorie count. Yes, we still have cookies in the house and make dumb choices almost daily, but with those dumb choices come great choices and we have noticed a difference.
From these small changes, I now fit into many of my pre-pregnancy clothes. Although it was tempting to burn all the over-sized garments I've worn over the past year and a half, I'm in the process of organizing my closet and donating old clothes.
As I have come face to face with my old wardrobe, I realized that even though I fit in some of the clothes, in many ways I've outgrown them. Now, I have too many clothes, many of which I don't wear. Historically, I have always been frivolous with fashion. I loved making bold choices, was never shy about showing skin, and couldn't resist a good deal--even if it looked horrible on me.
Now that I'm a prestigious working mother {intended whimsical tone}, frivolous fashion choices seem a thing of the past. I began researching what looks good on me. Though my research, I've discovered the color theory. The color theory matches women's most prominent features (hair, eye, and skin) to clothing and make up colors that work for and against them. I'm still new to this area of research, but am in love with it.
That's what reminded me that I have a blog. I am coming across so many good fashion blogs that help explain the color theory, I thought why not store my research in a blog? And I saw this blog, which was left unattended many months ago.
So I decided to post.