I did something mom-blog-worthy today. But before we get to that, who are these moms who blog anyway? Where do they find the time? And don't tell me they're stay-at-home moms, because as a part-time stay-at home mom, I can attest that they don't have it easier than working moms.
How am I a part-time stay-at-home-mom, you ask? I'm a teacher. So I get 3 months off with my kids a year. And whether I am at home all the time or working full time, both scenarios have their challenges. I always hate hearing working moms knock down stay-at-home moms and vice versa. Where's the sisterly love? However, it's my experience that when people say negative things about others, they're usually miserable. And as rewarding as motherhood is, it's stressful, and we can say some tmean things!
So what did I do that is mom-blog-worthy? I was shopping at Target, and found these file holders in their cheap bins. I impulsively bought a few, as I'm always looking for ways to organize my home. Today, I realized these will be perfect to hold my to-go lids. And I thought, this is something out of a mom blog!