Monday, February 17, 2014

Screw the Health Kick

Today is parent-teacher conference day at school (my work, not my son's school).  That means I don't have to be at work until around 10:00 a.m. (compared to my usual 7:00).  I've been trying to get back on a health kick recently, so I decided to work out.  The term "health kick" really pisses me off.  What is a kick but a temporary movement?  I wanted to get on a health kick to lose 10 pounds?  And what happens after the 10 pounds are lost?  Is it back to pizza nights and a constant supply of Oreos in the cupboards?  I don't want another health kick.  I want a healthy lifestyle.

It's important to define what is healthy.  It holds a different meaning to different people.  For me, it's a combination of activity and clean eating.  Both are a challenge for me.  I love writing, researching, and watching television.  I have an enormous sweet tooth.  These are all a part of my general disposition.  It's not easy to combat.  But it's not impossible.

I've been really pissed off at the FDA lately.  As I scrolled through their food additives page I was disgusted by the positive spin they put on their 3000 additives included in the database.  Screw them for their carcinogens.  Screw the sodium benzoate I discovered in my store bought hummus.  Screw the plethora of foods that market themselves as healthy when it's all a crock of...I guess I shouldn't swear on a parenting blog (I don't count "piss" as a swear word).

Screw my health kick.  Screw my ten pound goal.  I'm not in it to lose 10 pounds.  I'm in it to raise my son to love honestly natural and safe foods.  I'm in it to fight temptations that are just plain bad for me.  I want to live long dammit (I also don't consider that a swear word).  Screw the health kick.  I want the healthy lifestyle.

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