Dear Me at 33,
Today is your 33rd birthday. I know that 33 has been your "scary age" since you were a little kid. But here you are: you made it to 33! First of all, congratulations for making it to your scary age. It's a privilege denied to many--so every year you grow older is another year you've been gifted life on this earth. That's amazing! While getting older is scary, you deserve to grow older. And I hope you more than double your current life span! I'd be surprised to see you triple it, but hey--99 is possible, right?
So--33, huh? You're doing alright. Good job on snagging that husband! He's a rare combination of handsome, funny, smart, sensitive (but not overly sensitive), compassionate, passionate, considerate and loving. You two have rocked this past decade--yes an ENTIRE decade and have learned how to navigate adulthood together in a way that is both responsible but doesn't always compromise both of your free spirited ways. You didn't just get married. You are walking this earth with the ultimate life partner! And those kids!? At 33 you have learned to share your life and love your family unconditionally. I'm proud of you.
33-Year-Old-Me, our kids are beautiful! The person you've became after growing them in your body and putting their needs before your own is amazing. And that body--we're going to have a talk about that body.
Yes, you were hot stuff in your teens and twenties. You didn't always recognize that but you did eventually. You're not prancing around in spaghetti straps and bikinis these days but that's OK. Yes, you have an extra 40 pounds on you and you may get rid of it all, or some, or none but you better love that body. That body grew our beautiful children. You've earned those rolls, stretchmarks, those c-section scars, and those bags under your eyes. Don't compare your looks to how you looked 10-15 years ago. That's not an acceptable standard of beauty at 33. Instead, find new, realistic ways to look beautiful. You're figuring it out, I know. But keep doing it. I'd like to see you exercise more. Not so you look like a super-model, but so that you have more energy for your family. And so that you can increase your chances of living longer.
33-Year-Old-Me, you've accomplished a lot. You have a freaking Master's Degree, you're good at your job, and you're still learning new things. I know that you will always find new ways to learn and that you'll accomplish more too. You've become a pretty amazing woman and I'm proud of you. 33 Shouldn't scare you. Embrace it. Rock it.
Enjoy your life,
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