Wednesday, November 28, 2018

I'm not OK with my "normal" birth control side effects, and that's OK

What should be an acceptable standard of living when it comes to your health?  I found myself in a situation where I had to advocate for myself to my doctor because my symptoms of concern were considered normal side effects of the method of birth control I was on.  I decided that daily vaginal bleeding and cramping for multiple months was not a side effect I was willing to live with, so got the device removed.  Shortly thereafter, the cramping and bleeding increased and I was passing clots.  I called my doctor again.  I was advised we can address it at our next appointment which was more a month away.

But here's the thing:  I didn't want these symptoms to continue and wanted them addressed sooner.  Another month of bleeding, cramping, and mood swings was not an acceptable standard of living for me.  Whether or not she was concerned about my symptoms, my quality of life was affected and it would continue to be if it wasn't addressed.

I called my PCP (in tears).  They couldn't see me and recommended I go to their after-hours clinic.  The LPN I saw agreed that 3 straight months of bleeding wasn't cool and ordered a blood panel to make sure my levels were OK.  I appreciated her compassion and willingness to listen to the fact that I felt like crap and wanted my symptoms addressed.  My blood panel was great and she explained that my hormones were out of whack.  She told me to get into my gyne before my appointment.

The following Monday, I called off work and it took me 2-and-a-half hours to get an appointment.  When I'm finally seen and explain my miserable journey to the woman I saw, she looked at me and said, "you know that is normal, right?"

I told her I didn't care and I wasn't OK living with these symptoms because they're "normal."

What the hell is that?

She prescribed me another form of birth control to get my hormones in check and told me to ignore the things I see in the media and to start taking it that day.

I was prepared to follow her advice, because I tend to follow my doctor's advice because I trust them as an expert, but the pharmacy was out of the prescription.

Here's the thing: the bleeding has stopped for 3 days.  This is the longest I've gone without bleeding in three months!  I'm still experiencing mood swings, but maybe the side effects of the birth control are finally leaving my body.

Will I be OK with the side effects of this next method of birth control?

Listen, I'm a fan of modern medicine.  I vaccinate myself and my children and appreciate that the human life span has increased exponentially due to medical research.  But this over-dependence on pharmaceuticals and being "okay" with the side effects is bull shit.  If I had to choose between daily vaginal bleeding, cramping and mood swings and death, I would choose the former.  If I had to choose between daily vaginal bleeding, cramping and mood swings and a normal life where I am free from these  symptoms and have to find another way to have sex responsibly with my husband, I am going to choose the latter.

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